
Monday, August 2, 2010

Pacific Islanders Support Family Unification. by Manufou Liaiga-Anoa'i

The Arizona law, SB1070 is unacceptable. I am pleased with the courts decision to block provisions of the law and urge our communities to consider the integrity and dignity of families in the immigration debate.

As a native San Franciscan Pacific Islander and member of the Asian Pacific Islander (API) community, I stand in solidarity with those who are firmly opposed to SB 1070.

The law which went into effect on July 29, is temporarily blocked by a federal court judge. Provisions of the law which the courts found unconstitutional included Section II which requires police officers to question anyone who they “reasonably suspect” is undocumented by asking for their papers. This section of the law essentially criminalizes anybody that “looks” undocumented and relegating all minorities to a second-class status.

SB 1070 essentially tells immigrants and minorities that law enforcement cannot be trusted. My father, an immigrant veteran who served in the U.S. Armed Forces knows well what the responsibility of earned trust means, particularly public trust.

Equally important is how public trust is carried out and enforced by public servants who have that authority. Displaced authority, such as misleading the public in fear tactics and scapegoating others, pits neighbor against neighbor. It only results in increased animosity, resentment and hate towards a targeted group.

It is this kind of attitude that history has repeatedly judged as wrong. The kind of attitude that led the people to allow the annihilation and ethnic cleansing of an entire community. The kind of attitude that kept one racial group at the front of a bus and another at it's rear. The kind of attitude that imprisoned, punished and took many innocent lives in its wake.

The new Arizona law essentially repeats elements of world history. It repeats these horrific crime against humanity. It repeats the dismissal and disregard of human dignity.

SB1070 as originally proposed and passed into law by the state of Arizona gives officers unobstructed power to engage in racial profiling, where characteristics like language fluency, accent, style of dress, and the company that someone keeps are major factors in how the police decide if a person is suspected of being undocumented.

Albeit law enforcement are highly trained professionals, members of the API community continue to be victimized through racial profiling in today’s post-9/11 world. This section of SB 1070, barring the court injunction, would have undoubtedly exacerbate the problem and further marginalize all of us.

I feel a profound sense of duty to act on behalf of the Pacific Islander community to continue the fight against SB1070 as it is challenged in court. With over 260,000 Pacific Islanders in California and 12,000 in Arizona, we are a community at risk of being victimized.

We are raised with a strong cultural concept of community, belongingness, and keeping families together.

It is this attitude of acceptance that seeks to build bridges among our neighbors rather than destroy the communities we work hard to build. I am urging our Pasefika community, organizations and churches to join me and speak out against SB1070.

Manufou is a social services entrepreneur and long time community activist in the Pacific Islander community.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas: The witchhunt on Journalists

Modern Censorship: the subtle yet constant and sophisticated manipulation of reality in our mass media outlets.

A sad day for women in media with today's retirement announcement of the legendary Helen Thomas over controversial remarks she made on Israel. Helen, a trailblazer for women's rights and media freedom is pushing 90. In spite of her apology, Helen's carreer has been destroyed with brutal public humiliation from the White House rebuking her statement. This bio that I am posting from Google's cache was pulled by the speakers bureau who cancelled her engagement and pulled all association with her from their website. Whether a slip of a journo's tongue or a desire to tell the truth, the power elite can destroy any one. We ♥♥ Helen!

The following is the full text of the Google Cache file that we dug up. It was featured on May 13,2010 by the American Entertainment International Speakers Bureau and deleted.

When we attempted to post the same cache file on Facebook, it was flagged as 'offensive' and therefore not eligible for posting. So, we are posting it here.

Helen Thomas bio, the full text from posted and deleted below:

Commonly referred to as "The First Lady of the Press," former White House Bureau Chief Helen Thomas is a trailblazer, breaking through barriers for women reporters while covering every President since John F. Kennedy. For 57 years, Helen Thomas also served as White House correspondent for United Press International. She recently left this post and joined Hearst Newspapers as a syndicated columnist.

Born in Winchester, Kentucky, Helen Thomas was raised in Detroit, Michigan where she attended public schools and later graduated from Wayne State University. Upon leaving college, Helen served as a copy girl on the old, now defunct Washington Daily News. In 1943, Ms. Helen Thomas joined United Press International and the Washington Press Corps.

For 12 years, Helen Thomas wrote radio news for UPI, her work day beginning at 5:30 a.m. Eventually she covered the news of the Federal government, including the FBI and Capitol Hill.

In November, 1960, Helen Thomas began covering then President elect John F. Kennedy, following him to the White House in January, 1961 as a member of the UPI team. It was during this first White House assignment that Thomas began closing presidential press conferences with "Thank you, Mr. President."

In September, 1971, Pat Nixon scooped Helen Thomas by announcing her engagement to Associated Press' retiring White House correspondent, Douglas B. Cornell at a White house party hosted by then President Nixon in honor of Cornell.

Helen Thomas was the only woman print journalist traveling with then President Nixon to China during his breakthrough trip in January, 1972. She has the distinction of having traveled around the world several times with Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, during the course of which she covered every Economic Summit. The World Almanac has cited her as one of the 25 Most Influential Women in America.

Helen Thomas has written four books, including Thanks for the Memories Mr. President: Wit and Wisdom from the Front Row at the White House, Front Row at the White House: My Life and Times, and her most recent, Watchdogs of Democracy (2006).

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oceania Rise Up: We go to Arizona on May 29th

This is a call on all people of the Pacific diaspora, people of conscience across the country to join our brothers and sisters and converge on Arizona on May 29th.

Together we will march to Stop the Hate and demand that Obama issue an executive order nullifying SB1070. STOP THE HATE!!!

Let Us Show The World That We Won’t Stand For Hateful Laws And Attacks On Immigrants And People Of Color.

Background: The passage of SB 1070 by Governor Brewer sparked national outrage catalyzing a movement for immigrant rights and lending a sense of urgency to stop the hate and terrorizing of immigrants and people of color in Arizona and across the nation.

The Oceania contingent is partnering with ANSWERLA (a Los Angeles social justice organization); Puente (a human rights movement anchored in Phoenix) and NDLON (National Day Laborers Organizing Network) in calling for all people of conscience to converge on Arizona to Stop the hate on May 29th and demand President Obama take action to nullify this hateful law.


We urge President Obama to:

1. Reassert the federal government's exclusive control over immigration law by making clear that state and local police do not have the inherent authority to enforce immigration law.
2. Immediately suspend and terminate all police-ICE partnerships, including 287(g) agreements and the so-called 'Secure Communities Initiative."
3. Direct the Department of Homeland Security to refuse to take custody of anyone charged with violating provisions of SB 1070.

Schedule of Events:

Friday, May 28th, Human Rights Festival at 8pm: music and art making for march.

Saturday, May 29th, Human Rights March, 8am gathering time: 5 mile long march converging at State Capitol. There will be live music at the beginning and end of march. Delegations from throughout the country and tens of thousands expected from the state. Local and national faith, human, civil, and labor leader speakers.
Background websites and articles:

Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration

Arizona: The Wrong Answer

On the Eve of SB-1070’s Enactment: What Can President Obama Do?

Arizona tourism loses more business in wake of immigration law vote

Arizona immigration bill protesters arrested

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sarah Palin calls women "Momma Grizzlies"

In an address to the Susan B Anthony List, last Friday, Sarah Palin said that the earliest leaders of the Women's Suffrage movement and feminist "foremothers" were pro-life advocates. A statement strongly disputed in a recent Washington Post op-ed by Ann Gordon and Lynn Sherr.

"For nearly 30 years, both of us have been immersed in Susan B. Anthony's words - Ann as the editor of Anthony's papers, Lynn as the author of a biography. We have read every single word that this very voluble - and endlessly political - woman left behind. Our conclusion: Anthony spent no time on the politics of abortion. It was of no interest to her, despite living in a society (and a family) where women aborted unwanted pregnancies."

Gordon and Sherr say that Sarah Palin is no Susan B. Anthony; claiming that the interpretations of Susan B. Anthony by the far right agenda is an "...erosion of accuracy in history and journalism."

What's scary about Sarah Palin is her latex appeal that's shiny, dramatic and skin-tight to self-help groups such as this and the friendly Tea baggers. Her tendency to 'Go Rouge' and sound the alarm for all mothers to hind-up like momma grizzly bears and protect their cubs and their homes feeds on everything but security.

Who in their 'Right' winged mind wouldn't believe Sarah anyway? Sarah with her fulltime mommy status and her fulltime advocacy plate. Of course she's the model American woman who can do it all. NOT!

Sarah's logic on liberty is for women to have as many babies as we want anytime we want. And if we cant handle it, give them to someone else. These are the 'common-sense' solutions she wants us to believe in. The simplification of the complex and rich diversity of our make-up and obligation as women.

Unless we speak out and against these fundamental crimes against women, Christian fundamentalists will continue to espouse their religious beliefs. This is the new face of oppression with its hues of scarlett blush. Do you not see the letter 'A' in this?

While motherhood is a beautiful thing that I highly recommend, arguably what nature intended for women; we were also given free will to choose that which is right or wrong for us as women. That is our RIGHT under the constitution of the United States. We cannot allow the Sarah's of this world to sell this message without consequences against all women.

I argue for protecting the process of choice and the right to decide. These are the civil rights that Susan B. Anthony and pioneers of the suffrage movement were persecuted for. This is the pathway that she envisioned for women to enter into consciousness and unbiased truth-telling, free of guilt-laden rhetoric and God-fearing gimmicks.

We do not have to overthrow a woman's right to self in these phony movements full of hype, superficial rouge and maternal callings. A woman's first obligation is to love and appreciate herself in order to fully love and appreciate others. The making of a young girl into a woman is a delicate and complex process that is not as simple as Sarah would want us to believe. Society does not allow for this process without persecuting the female psyche.

Nature intended for us to be girls before we become women. It is that process of coming of age and becoming women that is heavily suppressed in the game of politics. The Susan B Anthony that I studied, read about and admire is certainly not the anti-woman, anti-choice heroine that Palin wants me to believe.

History tends to repeat itself if we don't fact-check; if we believe the 'anything Sarah says goes' hype, if we're not actively listening for falsehoods, purposely engaged in critical analysis. At the very least, we must speak out against the obstruction of one's right to choose. Whether that choice is for life, marriage, education, immigration, healthcare; that's a Constitutional right.... We have the right to CHOOSE! And its worth calling out all these anti-agents against us.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The offering of a TAUTAI

Here they are, gracing my blog this morning are the 7 Tautai of Pele: the sorority of Oceania. Reflecting on the journey of these remarkable young ladies and particularly of this Mana-fied image taken the evening of May 14th, 2010, on the Hinas cross-over.

We are at the foot of the Pacific ocean, asking permission of Tagaloa the God of our forefathers. Tagaloa accepts the offering of the Tautai and bless their lifelong 'faiva' commitment to serve. The daughters of Oceania feel the weight of the sand between their toes and know that each grain represents the sacrifice that lies ahead for them. They listen to the soft purr of the wind and are reminded of their aerodynamic strength when in unison. They are ignited by the flame of love and intensity as daughters of PELE, the Goddess of Fire.

The birth of PELE's first line of Tautai, masters of the sea and guardians of our people takes its mark in the history of Oceania.

May the blessings, love and hope of our Ancestors be upon you always Tautai of Pele.

In this picture from L-R are Tautai Joycelyn Faasee, Tautai Lemasani Vaafuti, Tautai Evelyn Suai, Tautai Nikki Matautia, (me) Pele Mentor: Val LiHang Jacobo, Tautai Melerelini Letuli-Ioane, Tautai Angel Fa'amausili, Tautai Faaputu Vaafuti. Photo taken by Pele Mentor, 'Amelia Niumeitolu.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Strike while the C17 iron's still hot!

In an unprecedented sentiment to these tough economic times, 1700 Boeing employees walked off the plant on May 10th. The largest employer in Long Beach takes its place among corporate America Goliaths under severe public scrutiny.

"We will stay as long as we need to out on the streets, said Adrian Roddie of Gardena California. This is our first strike in over 24 years; as long as I've been here, we have never had to walk out of our job."

Boeing and UAW Local 138 negotiators failed to reach a concensus on health benefit premium increases, the apparent reason for the strike. This has forced many off the job and seeking financial assistance from the UAW Strike fund.

"It isn't much, added Roddie, but it's something to get my family by while I fight for their heathcare."

Strike orders have been released to 1700 employees to meet today on the picket line. On the website, instructions to employees to file for Unemployment insurance has also begun.

"We just want fair wages and benefits," said Lakewood resident Anthony Valentino who joins fellow union members to picket on the corner of Wardlow and Cherry Ave in Long Beach. We will be here around the clock.

The Long Beach community is encouraged to come out and talk to the union workers. Listen to their stories, learn how this strike affect families and what this means for our city. We welcome any report backs to local media. As always your views and opinions are welcomed here.

ΡΣΓΣ: The Sorority of Oceania, a sustainable and hopeful future.

Six months ago, a few college students approached us for help. The ask was to create a space that would embrace their heritage, expand their college experience and transform their lives.

The result was the formation of a sisterhood/sorority, a first of its kind for Pacific Island students. We facilitated a series of meetings to discuss process and direction; allowed for the students to contribute, craft and steer the direction of their organization. These series of meetings birthed the organization of PELE: The sorority of Oceania. (ΡΣΓΣ: Rho Sigma Gamma Sigma)

Over the course of a 7 week pledge process, 7 young women (Hinas) competed in the following criteria:

1. Pacific Studies education: Immersion in a crash course of reading material which include top Pacific scholars, artists and progressive thinkers such as Epeli Hau'ofa, Teresia Teaiwa, Albert Wendt, Sia Figiel, TuiAtua Tupua Tamasese. Hinas presented papers and have had rigorous discourse on historical and current issues affecting the Pacific region and its people on island and in the diaspora.

2. Launched a climate change campaign to promote recycling. Carried oversized bags/decorated purses across their respective campus for the entire pledge season and talk to other students about the campaign. Hinas were responsible for taking recyclables weekly and banking receipts for their recyclables. Fundraiser Goal: $200.00/person

3. Planned and executed a print-media campaign to raise awareness of Pacific Islands issues such as climate change and its affect on sinking islands. Pele made frontpage news in the CSULB Daily 49er newspaper on Earth Day, April 22, 2010.

4. Spearheaded a global reach to Pacific regional partners and built a network of support for education with new partners such as YPCN: The Young People's Concerned Network a pro-democracy grassroots network.

5. With the help of brother organization TOA: Tau Omega Alpha, the fraternity of Oceania, PELE Raised US $1100.00 for Fiji students displaced by Cyclone Thomas which devasted several islands and damaged schools. The money raised will go towards the purchase of stationary and textbooks for 5000 students.

6. Hina's presented papers at a panel on climate change and global warming awareness for Earth Day 2010.

7. Created new media presentations (photoessays, film, etc) and expand social-media marketing (Facebook, twitter) to present individual and collective ideas.

8. PELE participated in community solidarity rallies/protests: Anti-Nazi Rally 4/27/10, and May Day Immigration rally 5/1/10,

9. Each member continuing to build on a geneological family tree that dates back a minimum of 4 generations.

We are very proud and pleased to present to the community PELE's first seven TAUTAI/Sea Empress:
Angel Fa'amausili (CSULB); Monique Mata'utia (CSULB); Melerelini Letuli-Ioane (LBCC); Lemasani Va'afuti (LBCC); Faaputu Va'afuti (CSULB); Evelyn Suai (LBCC); Jocelyn Faasee (CSULB).

You can expect any PELE member who has earned the title of TAUTAI/Sea Empress to be ready to serve our community from the knowledge gained from this enhanced college experience along with the power they inherited from the Oceanian ancestory.

Our Tautai/Sea Empresses, the guardians of Oceania will be crowned today with the PELE arsenal of: fire, water, wind, and earth.

We could not have done this without the love and support of our community.

In Mana and Gratitude.