
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Racists Go Home!

Racists Go Home! from Val LiHang Jacobo on Vimeo.

Aint it great to be able to produce a film using a single Olympic 10 megapixel digital camera. That's the spirit of the solidarity movement: Being present and using any means possible to show love and support.

What's significant about this film isn't so much the 18 neo Nazi's who showed up in LA on the weekend of their convention, but the audacity of hate groups to spew their racism in the cloak of the first Amendment.

Since the election of Barack Obama in the White House, there has been a massive explosion of extremist groups all across America; revitalizing anti-government militia groups.

The most dangerous of them all, with supporters such as Sarah Palin and her outlandish and disgusting statements is the Tea-Party movement. Such misguided and misleading propaganda plays on the emotional vulnerabilities of Americans who may truly care about their country. But with the majority of this movement being white Americans, you cant ignore deep seeded racism that fuels their restoration dogma.

The America that the Tea Party wants back is the America pre-Obama. So the Tea-Baggers can say it aint about race all day long, but we'll call a spade a spade and we'll be damned if we let history repeat itself.

We will not go down without a fight! We will stand up for Americans of all color and background. We will stand in solidarity against HATE!

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